Friday, January 28, 2011


Something You Forgot

Fanfiction based on characters from Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series Rated M for Language, and Sexual Content A/H. This is my first fanfic so please don’t be so fast to judge. And second English not my first language so spelling mistakes will be found. If you don’t understand I sentence, ask me. And yeah this is one of those Bella and Edward brake up and she is pregnant stories. Get over it.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Twilight.


I was so naïve thinking he would love me forever, when forever doesn’t exist. I thought everything would be okay as long as we stayed together. We had been living in a bubble and the waves came crashing down when it finally popped. 

He was the school’s star quarterback. He was mysterious and enticing with a statuesque body to kill for and his cocky gleam of a smile that filled my mind with lustful thoughts.

I on the contrary was reserved, unsocial – even shy. I was the mousy plain girl who everyone saw but never noticed. I liked to stay in the sidelines and watch the chaos of high school run around me.  

Nobody really tried to know me before he did. No one beside my family really knew of my love for all art. I loved poetry, books, music, paintings and it made me a hopeless romantic. My desire for romance and love made me ignorant to all the warning bells and signs pointing at me.

We had been perfect – I guess too perfect. I can still feel the sparkles of his electric touch, the swarm butterflies in the pit of my stomach and the acceleration of my hearth beat as he kissed me.

Thanks to my childish view of love I got hurt and lost great friends along the way but most of all I hurt Josh and that is something I can never fix. Despite my attempts, I will never forget. Don’t you hate it when you forget something and you can’t get it of your mind because you know it’s important?  

What do you think. Should I continue?